Learn to take your Solar Sales skills to the next level!

with Taylor Armstrong

Are you a solar sales rep who is stuck only closing a couple deals a month? Or worse, stuck in a rut and wondering if you should give up even trying to sell solar? It's frustrating starting your new solar sales job and getting a taste of those big commissions only to hit a roadblock and wonder why you aren't getting consistent sales. Is it something I'm saying? Am I not cut out for sales anymore?

You're doing the work but it's about time you get paid what you're worth.

Like you, I went through a period of struggle where I didn't even know if I belonged in the industry anymore. I would go through feast or famine like periods and often felt like a lion without any prey to hunt.

After struggling for months and investing every penny I earned into coaches and mentors, I finally figured out what was holding me back and quickly made my first six-figure income soon after.

I want to pull back the curtain and give you the shortcut to success in solar.


Solar Sales Mastery

A Step-by-Step, easy to follow online course that shows not only how to close more deals, but also how to master all aspects of your solar sales.

If you know you need to get more consistent sales and achieve the success you've always dreamed of, this course is for you.

Have you yet to hit six figures in the solar industry? You will learn the top techniques to quickly get leads and how to have them begging to be closed. Already hit six figures and want to continue growing? You will learn what you need to scale your referral process and grow your team by working smarter, not harder.

Course Curriculum

  Module 1: Intro and Goal Setting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Door Knocking and Prospecting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: The Close
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Follow-Up
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Utilizing Assistants to Become a Solarpreneur
Available in days
days after you enroll

Hi, I’m Taylor Armstrong

I've been in the solar industry since 2016 and after a lot of trial and error and coaching I've figured out what works and what doesn't. From closing a couple dozen deals my first year then finally getting a golden door award closing 150 deals in 2019 I cracked the code on what it takes to make consistent income in the solar industry.

I also started and host the worlds #1 podcast for solar sales pros called the Solarpreneur podcast where I interview the top pros in the industry and share my own tips.

This course is a compilation of everything I've learned in my coaching and interviewing of the top sales pros in the world.

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